Closed loop production cycle

The circular economy involves a continuous process, which once completed, begins again and glass is one of the best examples of the closed loop production model.

Once produced, glass is one of the rare materials that can be 100% and indefinitely recycled, in a bottle to bottle loop, without losing its quality. Thus, glass is not waste, but a precious resource that the industry requires to replace virgin materials.

Closed loop production cycle is a more sustainable concept

Glass recycling is good for the environment

The decomposition time of a glass bottle reaching the landfill can be up to 1 million years. Instead, it takes a few days for a recycled glass bottle to leave from your recycling bin and appear on a store shelf again, as a new glass container.

Glass recycling conserves natural resources

Each ton of recycled glass saves more than a ton of raw materials needed to create new glass. In addition, it also saves 590 Kg of sand, 186 Kg of soda ash and 173 Kg pounds of limestone.

Glass recycling reduces CO2 emissions

Using 6 tons of recycled glass, we can reduce one ton of CO2.

Glass recycling is sustainable

Glass is a 100% recyclable material, which means that it can be recycled repeatedly without losing its purity or quality.

Glass recycling saves energy

One of the first steps in the glass recycling process is to crush the glass and obtain the glass cullet. Making recycled glass products using glass cullet consumes 40% less energy than the production of new glass from raw materials because the glass cullet melts at a much lower temperature.